APRIL 12, 2010: Poor hubby became worse over the weekend - He landed in the ER Sunday and the ENT doctor tended to him. Hubby had to stay overnight for different antibiotics given through IV's, as well as needed fluids were administered. I brought him home midday, and we are trying to get back into our routines. Needless to say, I did not do anything at home. But, he is feeling and looking much better.
There are 5 butterflies, "of the Painted Lady" species, that are in my granddaughter's butterfly house and she was so eager to see them. The butterflies popped out of their chrysalis about Thursday. We had hoped that they would do so in time to be released on Easter in front of the church, but not so. The photo is of one from about 3 years ago. This one was also a late arrival and was released in my backyard. Of course, it headed for the azaleas. Maybe my granddaughter can see them by Monday and the plan is to release them. But, she could decide to keep them for a few days and feed them sugar water as I am now doing. Yes, I put up with bugs for her!!!
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