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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cannot Sleep - Mind Is Still Clicking Away

It is unusual for me to be up late such as I am at almost 1:00 a.m.  I just cannot stop "thinking" intensely about things.  I have decided that it is the need to create, which I have not done in a couple of weeks.  Tomorrow, the family is having a get-together to celebrate my father's birthday - when I get back home, I will pull out materials and start on a project.  I do not know at the moment which one ... there are several that have been simmering on the back burner of my mind.  No matter, the point is that I need to do something.  

My father's birthday was the 5th.  This past eve, my immediate family consisting of my husband, my son and my granddaughter ate dinner together and we pulled out a small cake that I purchased from the grocery store.  There were candles in the shapes of numbers that I saved from granddaughter's past birthdays.  I found the number 8, but could not figure out why there was not a "1."  My son looked and laughingly pulled it out, which I did not recognize as that it was a design of Big Bird of Sesame Street holding a "1."   The candles were placed together to make "81" for my Dad.  Really, it was the bit of humor needed to create smiles and laughter at the table.  My father loved it.  I wonder if the cake presented today, for the larger family gathering, will be as memorable. 

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